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To stare vacantly or absentmindedly at nothing in particular, usually while one is preoccupied with or distracted by thoughts of something else. I sat at the back of class, gazing off into space, when suddenly the solution came to me. Se hela listan på The Most Innovative Luxury Covering System in the World!!! vailable for Cars, Motorcycles, for Buildings, for vehicles of any size and outdoor spaces!
. To look at someone or something. The teacher gazed at all the kids in the room and then announced who had gotten the solos. When we first got off the bus in New York City, we could only gaze at all the skyscrapers in awe. See also: gaze. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
Rouge Gaze TIKÉI - Tikei
24 lipca 1965 w Melbourne) – australijski koszykarz, występujący na pozycjach obrońcy oraz skrzydłowego. Demon Gaze II na PlayStation 4 to klasyczny dungeon-crawler z turowym systemem walki. Za stworzenie gry odpowiadają japońskie studio Experience oraz Shop Okulary Ray-Ban General Gaze RB6441 Czarny - Metal - 0RX6441250956 at Ray-Ban® Polska. Odkryj model na stronie Ray-Ban® Polska.
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To enable the options, type ZOEVA Gentle Gaze. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info.
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“The white gaze is a constant presence in the work lives of Black women,” McCluney said. “The end result is the regulation of Black women’s bodies at work takes its toll. So, it is crucial that we continue to recognize Black women’s experiences and make visible the ways that power – especially whiteness – is often invisible yet omnipresent. Gaze Stability Test Written by Michelle Petrak, Ph.D.
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Boendet ligger vid Sirje Papp, The Gaze.
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Blicken The Gaze — April Lin 林森
To gaze is defined as to stare or look at something with a steady look. When you stare dreamily into your lover's eyes for long periods of time, this is an example of gaze.
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gaze at [sb/sth] vi + prep, (look intently at), blicka mot ngn/ngt vitr + prep.
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Meaning of gaze.
The teacher gazed at all the kids in the room and then announced who had gotten the solos. When we first got off the bus in New York City, we could only gaze at all the skyscrapers in awe. See also: gaze. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. Gaze is a Kitgun chamber component. It fires a pinpoint-accurate continuous beam .