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Weigela 'Wine and Roses' Weigela florida 'Alexandra' Zone: 4 Exposure: Full Sun Mature Size: 5' high x 5' wide Shrub Form: Upright, rounded Foliage Color:  Wine and Roses _ Wine and Roses is a large deciduous shrub with purple-tinted ovate leaves that deepen in colour as they age. In late spring to early summer, it  Wine & Roses Weigela is a dwarf spreading deciduous shrub with dense glossy dark purple foliage. Blooms of glossy rose-pink funnel-shaped flowers begin in  Weigela Wine and Roses®. Weigela florida 'Alexandra' PP#10772. Rounded, deciduous shrub border with striking, burgundy-purple foliage that turns near  Weigela florida 'Wine & Roses' ('Alexandra') available at Bamboo Pipeline. Order Today!

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7 sol Aconitum hemsleyanum ´Red Wine´, slingerstormhatt mörkröd8 sol. macrophylla 'Bouquet Rose' hortensia Weigela. Prakttryn är lättodlade och frodiga, upprättväxande buskar med friskt grönt bladverk, såvida 'Summer Wine'. Weigela 'Tango', gul-rosa-röda blommor och mörka blad. Perenner Iris ensata 'Rose Queen', rosa.

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sol. kl / co. 125–150. WEIGELA.

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Try using several of the colorful branches in flower arrangements. Be sure to start cutting them as soon as the pink buds begin to show in spring. Enjoy! #ProPlantTips for Care. Wine & Roses Weigela is a fast-grower, so you’ll see results in no time. Plant in full sun for the best bloom and 2021-01-26 · Weigela plants are shrubs that have beautiful red and pink flowers and can grow to be up to 6 feet (1.8 m) tall.

Weigela wine and roses

Iris sibirica Wine Wings, strandiris, Perenner. Jeffersonia Weigela 'Bristol Ruby', Weigela 'Bristol Ruby', Träd och buskar Pelargon 'Attar of Roses', Doftpel. Tiny Wine ® c5 smällspirea.
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Weigela wine and roses

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Viburnum Acer opulus, med det engelska namnet Gueldres-rose-leaved maple (Ait.
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Sortiment : Plantskolan i Vartofta

The Wine and Roses Weigela is adaptable to all soils with varying PH levels. Wine & Roses shines from spring to fall by combining colorful foliage and intensely colored, funnel shaped flowers. Wine & Roses makes a wonderful cut flower along with its foliage. Try combining Wine & Roses with either Shasta Daisy, Siberian Iris, Globe Thistle, or Russian Sage.

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tall and wide. Partial to full sun. Zone: 4 – 8 Wine and Roses Weigela from Proven Winners is a hardy, award-winning shrub with rich, dark purple foliage and rosy pink flowers that first appear in spring and often rebloom in summer. Hummingbirds love the trumpet-shaped flowers and the plant also resists deer. Weigela 'Bristol Ruby' £69.99 12lt pot (1-1.2m) available to order from late spring 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 5 5 2 Buy Weigela 'Bristol Ruby': Masses of ruby-red flowers loved by bees Weigela tolerates most soils and needs full sun for best flower production.

Wine and Roses weigela Weigela florida 'Alexandra - Pinterest

Ros: Alchymist Try-Weigela: Ebony and Ivory Berberis thunbergii 'ROSE GLOW. Berberis thunbergii Physocarpus opulifolius 'TINY WINE'. Physocarpus Weigela florida 'NANA PURPUREA'. Weigela  av L Experimentalfält · Citerat av 2 — Weigela – prakttrysläktet Acer opulus, med det engelska namnet Gueldres-rose-leaved maple (Ait.

Backyard Flowers. Garden Inspiration. Garden Landscaping. Shrubs.