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Weigela 'Wine and Roses' Weigela florida 'Alexandra' Zone: 4 Exposure: Full Sun Mature Size: 5' high x 5' wide Shrub Form: Upright, rounded Foliage Color: Wine and Roses _ Wine and Roses is a large deciduous shrub with purple-tinted ovate leaves that deepen in colour as they age. In late spring to early summer, it Wine & Roses Weigela is a dwarf spreading deciduous shrub with dense glossy dark purple foliage. Blooms of glossy rose-pink funnel-shaped flowers begin in Weigela Wine and Roses®. Weigela florida 'Alexandra' PP#10772. Rounded, deciduous shrub border with striking, burgundy-purple foliage that turns near Weigela florida 'Wine & Roses' ('Alexandra') available at Bamboo Pipeline. Order Today!
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7 sol Aconitum hemsleyanum ´Red Wine´, slingerstormhatt mörkröd8 sol. macrophylla 'Bouquet Rose' hortensia Weigela. Prakttryn är lättodlade och frodiga, upprättväxande buskar med friskt grönt bladverk, såvida 'Summer Wine'. Weigela 'Tango', gul-rosa-röda blommor och mörka blad. Perenner Iris ensata 'Rose Queen', rosa.
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sol. kl / co. 125–150. WEIGELA.
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Try using several of the colorful branches in flower arrangements. Be sure to start cutting them as soon as the pink buds begin to show in spring. Enjoy! #ProPlantTips for Care. Wine & Roses Weigela is a fast-grower, so you’ll see results in no time. Plant in full sun for the best bloom and 2021-01-26 · Weigela plants are shrubs that have beautiful red and pink flowers and can grow to be up to 6 feet (1.8 m) tall.
Iris sibirica Wine Wings, strandiris, Perenner. Jeffersonia Weigela 'Bristol Ruby', Weigela 'Bristol Ruby', Träd och buskar Pelargon 'Attar of Roses', Doftpel. Tiny Wine ® c5 smällspirea.
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Sortiment : Plantskolan i Vartofta
The Wine and Roses Weigela is adaptable to all soils with varying PH levels. Wine & Roses shines from spring to fall by combining colorful foliage and intensely colored, funnel shaped flowers. Wine & Roses makes a wonderful cut flower along with its foliage. Try combining Wine & Roses with either Shasta Daisy, Siberian Iris, Globe Thistle, or Russian Sage.
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tall and wide. Partial to full sun. Zone: 4 – 8 Wine and Roses Weigela from Proven Winners is a hardy, award-winning shrub with rich, dark purple foliage and rosy pink flowers that first appear in spring and often rebloom in summer. Hummingbirds love the trumpet-shaped flowers and the plant also resists deer. Weigela 'Bristol Ruby' £69.99 12lt pot (1-1.2m) available to order from late spring 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 5 5 2 Buy Weigela 'Bristol Ruby': Masses of ruby-red flowers loved by bees Weigela tolerates most soils and needs full sun for best flower production.
Wine and Roses weigela Weigela florida 'Alexandra - Pinterest
Ros: Alchymist Try-Weigela: Ebony and Ivory Berberis thunbergii 'ROSE GLOW. Berberis thunbergii Physocarpus opulifolius 'TINY WINE'. Physocarpus Weigela florida 'NANA PURPUREA'. Weigela av L Experimentalfält · Citerat av 2 — Weigela – prakttrysläktet Acer opulus, med det engelska namnet Gueldres-rose-leaved maple (Ait.
Backyard Flowers. Garden Inspiration. Garden Landscaping. Shrubs.