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Save to list. See your list. See the girl version of this name. Popularity #9,044. in 2018. No data.
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The Celtic last name Buchanan has several possible origins: Most last names originate in more than one area, so t With thousands of names in our handbook, choosing the right on just got easier! Explore the meaning, origin, variations, and popularity of the name Alexandra. The feminine form of Alexander. A royal name known for Alexandra Feodorovna, the The other answers have gotten into the meaning of the names, but it's also an example of the phenomenon ”dubbelnamn” (”double name”) which are rather What Does Britta Mean and History? A Swedish form of the Irish Gaelic Brighid, meaning “glorious, bright, exalted”.
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The origins of this town name might be a bit of a mystery but the name's irony is MA students researched the historical background to street names in Utrecht that are associated with the Dutch colonial past. Community Britta Perry / Buzzkill. (2009-2015).
Swedish Name Days - Behind the Name
8, Elsa. 9, Britta. 10, Birgit Swedish Name Statistics · About Nordic Names; –; Impressum / Legal Other Languages & CulturesBirgit, Birgitta, Birgitte, Berit, Birte, Birthe, Brita, Britt, Britta, Gitte(Danish) Brigitta(Dutch) Bridget, Biddy, Bridgette, Delia(English) The year's name days in the country of Sweden. Behind the Name - the etymology and history of first names 7, Birgitta, Britta. 8, Nils.
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Famous People and fact Named Brita.
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Britta is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for girls. In Swedish Baby Names the meaning of the name Britta is: Strong. The name Britta is a girl's name of Scandinavian, Swedish origin meaning "strength or exalted one". 2013-01-25 111 rows The name Britta is of Celtic - Gaelic origin, and is used in more than one countries and different languages of the world, especially English speaking countries, Swedish speaking countries among others. Britta Name Meaning and History What Does Britta Mean and History?
Insights into Nilo-Saharan Language, History and Culture: Proceedings of the 9th Nilo-Saharan Linguistic Place Names in the Belly of Stones (Linguistics Monograph Series, 5). Kießling, Roland, Britta Neumann & Doreen Schröter. 291, 1990, ROCK - KVINNLIG, LENA PHILIPSSON, MY NAME, BIG BAG 1483, 2005, ÅRETS ALBUM, THE SOUNDTRACK OF OUR LIVES, ORIGIN VOL. 2267, 2011, ÅRETS KVINNLIGA ARTIST, BRITTA PERSSON, CURRENT AFFAIR
Name:Anna Brita BorgesdotterGender:FemaleChristening Date:30 Jul Indexing Project (Batch) Number:C41411-2System Origin:Sweden-EASyGS Film
The name Birgitta is of Scandinavian origin. It is of Old Norse and Celtic origin.
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Swedish girl baby names - Click Baby Names
#35, -, Britta, 3.5k. Below is a list of Swedish names- either Swedish in origin or popular in Sweden or connected to Sweden in some other way. As Sweden is a Fundamental » All languages » Swedish » Terms by semantic function » Names » Given names » Female given names.
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She is the 8th best selling female artist in American music history. Similar Names Brita. Britney. Is Brita name fit for baby name ? Our research results for the name of Brita is fit name.You can give to People named Britta Britta Böhler, German-born Dutch politician Brita Granström, Swedish painter and illustrator Britta Gröndahl, Swedish writer, translator, and anarchist Brita Hagberg, Swedish soldier Britta Heidemann, German épée fencer Britta Holmberg, Swedish actress Brita Horn, Swedish letter Meanings and history of the name Britta. Swedish short form of Brigitta, from the Celtic name Brighid ('high, mighty', 'strength') The name Britta means Exalted, Lofty and is of Scandinavian origin.
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No data. from 2017. The meaning of Britta is “The exalted one”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Britta and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Brita as a name for girls is a Norwegian, Gaelic and Swedish name, and the name Brita means "exalted one". Brita is an alternate spelling of Birgit (Norwegian): respelling of Bridget.
2, Ingrid. 3, Karin. 4, Rut. 5, Inga. 6, Ulla. 7, Kerstin. 8, Elsa. 9, Britta.