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Alexandra Meissner 39 år. Emil Sieh dir an, was Anja Meissner (ameissner0943) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat. Finde 12 Profile von Anja Meissner mit aktuellen Kontaktdaten ☎, Lebenslauf, Interessen sowie weiteren beruflichen Informationen bei XING. blood-brain barrier.
Anja Zimmermann. Seite: 1. Skippergilde Bahnlänge (sm). " WinRegatta Plus " Version 4.8 (c) 2017 Günter Meissner Peggy Peuker. GER 48291. Anja Schnepf Bahnlänge (sm).
Privatpersoner i Lund på postnummer 224 79 och
By Anja Meissner, Steffen‐Sebastian Bolz, Beverly M. Francis, Rui Feng, M. Abdul Momen, Naomi P. Visanji. — Background Heart failure (HF) is Loop is the open research network that increases the discoverability and impact of researchers and their work. Loop enables you to stay up-to-date with the latest discoveries and news, connect with researchers and form new collaborations.
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Articles Cited by Public access. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Anja Meissner, PhD Professional Biography Following a PhD in cell biology in 2008, Anja Meissner switched fields and trained in vascular physiology at the University of Toronto in Canada where she investigated the mechanisms behind the effects of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) in the vascular smooth muscle. Anja Meissner. Department Office of Experimental Medical Science; Vascular Biology; WCMM-Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine Anja Meissner.
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Faculties Faculty of Engineering, LTH Faculty of Fine & Performing Arts Anja Meissner, Naomi P. Visanji, M. Abdul Momen, Rui Feng, Beverly M. Francis, Steffen Sebastian Bolz & Lili-Naz Hazrati, 2015 maj 6, I : Journal of the American Heart Association. 4, e001920. Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift Anja Meissner Anja Meissner E-post: anja [dot] meissner [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se. Universitetslektor vid Vaskulär biologi Rumsnummer: BMC D1216c. View the profiles of people named Anja Meissner.
Se telefonnummer, adress, karta, grannar, jobb mm. Kontakta personen direkt! meisner gav 133 personer Karta. Tom Bryant-Meisner 65 år.
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Anja Meissner - Lund University foto. Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine, Lund Future Cities - Trendspotting@Lund University | Lunds Ökat intresse för experthjälp med studieteknik | Lunds Anja Meissner - Projects - Lund University. Anja Meissner is a biologist with expertise in cardiovascular physiology. Her scientific efforts focus on understanding S1P metabolism and its role in the regulation of the vascular and the immune system during hypertension, heart failure and stroke.
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– Det har varit mycket jobb nu i början, men när det förhoppningsvis lugnar ner sig lite så vill både jag och min partner utforska Lund. Anja MEISSNER, Senior Researcher | Cited by 653 | of Lund University, Lund (LU) | Read 42 publications | Contact Anja MEISSNER View the profiles of people named Anja Meisner. Join Facebook to connect with Anja Meisner and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM) at Lund University is a research Centre focused on Regenerative and Translational Medicine. WCMM today consists of 24 preclinical as well as clinical research groups in different strong medical disciplines at LU. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Anja Meissner im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Im Profil von Anja Meissner sind 2 Jobs angegeben. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Anja Meissner und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren.
Anja Meissner. Department Office of Experimental Medical Science; Vascular Biology; WCMM-Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine Anja Meissner. Department Office of Experimental Medical Science; Vascular Biology; WCMM-Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine; 1 – 10 of 28. show: 10 | sort copy and paste the html snippet below into your own page: Anja Meissner. Department Office of Experimental Medical Science; Vascular Biology; WCMM-Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine; 1 – 15 of 25. show: 15 | sort Finde 12 Profile von Anja Meissner mit aktuellen Kontaktdaten ☎, Lebenslauf, Interessen sowie weiteren beruflichen Informationen bei XING. Work environment and health Salary and benefits Annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave Professional and careers development Working hours Terms of employment For new employees For international staff Anja Meissner, Lund University, Experimental Medical Science Department, Faculty Member.