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Software Point är norra Europas ledande leverantör av Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). Vi har levererat innovativa lösningar för LIMS och biobank till mer än 500 stora och små laboratorier i både offentlig och privat sektor, inom praktiskt taget alla branscher som till exempel hälso- och sjukvård, läkemedel, bioteknik, energi, miljö, livsmedel, skog, förpackning SOFTWAREPOINT24 ONLINE TRADING LIMITED. SOFTWAREPOINT24 ONLINE TRADING LIMITED was incorporated on 12-DEC-2018. This company is now Live. Their business is recorded as Private company limited by shares.As so far this company has running for 2 year(s) 107 days.
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As a leading manufacturer of optical and digital precision technology, we provide innovative digital cameras, IC recorders, binoculars and related solutions around the world. 2021-02-23
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At Nirmit Digital Solutions, we are continuously working towards creating innovative marketing solutions for our clients. We’ve got skilled teams equipped… Software Point is the leading Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) company in Northern Europe. We have delivered innovative LIMS and biobank solutions to more than 500 big and small laboratories, in public and private sectors, in virtually all industries including, for example, healthcare, pharmaceutical, biotech, energy, environmental, food, forest, packaging, steel and chemical. Software günstig und bequem online kaufen! Warum Sie bei uns kaufen sollten! Sie Fragen sich, wie kann das sein eine Lizenz die 250 €, 450 € oder sogar 1000 € bei Microsoft kostet für nur 29,95 €, 59,95 € oder 119,95 € bei Software Solution 24? Softwarepoint24 ist geprüfter Händler bei mit einem Sortiment von über 70 Produkten.
As a leading manufacturer of optical and digital precision technology, we provide innovative digital cameras, IC recorders, binoculars and related solutions around the world. 2021-02-23 OTHENA is an end-to-end COVID-19 digital solution designed to manage the vaccination process. Created with leading healthcare practitioners and public health agencies to connects people and providers together to improve the quality of life of individuals and families. 2021-04-14 About TCS Digital Software & Solutions Group Launched in 2014, TCS Digital Software & Solutions Group is a strategic growth business within TCS that helps customers undergo critical digital transformations with modular, scalable and fully integrated, industry-tailored licensed software and solutions. Tailored IT solutions for banks, insurers and industry. Since 1987. GFT – Shaping the future of digital business.